Friday 19 July 2024

Post No. 2,836 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1E - Form 05

Further to   “Post No. 2,712 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1”   I have some additional details on Form 05 below. I’ll start with the information from the above-mentioned post. 

Ultimately I will aim to do this for each Form so I can, at the very least, create a separate link for each Form. All posts in this series are now being listed at   “On line “courses” (on this blog) and practice exercises”   as they are completed.

Form 05 - Surround and siege

The purpose of surrounding a nonBPM unit is to isolate it from the nonBPM – both from other nonBPM units, and to also stop that unit exerting any nonBPM influence. 

The purpose is NOT to isolate the unit from the BPM. 

Apart from using Form 06 techniques, allowing BPM connection and influence raises the possibility of BPM healing, and of continuing and strengthening communication between any entities who this technique is being applied to and their BPM  Guides / Tutelary (Matron/Patron/Non Binary) Deities / Higher Self / other BPM sources

Without the noise of the nonBPM, the BPM is more apparent. 

The techniques I use are the same as protection I apply for myself, but around other units – and, of course, check always – including with your BPM  Guides / Tutelary (Matron/Patron/Non Binary) Deities / Higher Self / other BPM sources before doing this. 

The key here is intent:   form the BPM units with the intention that they block nonBPM units/influence but allow BPM units/influence through. 

This technique is well suited to Earth  elemental  energy/units / magick/magickal techniques.  


People, places, ideas …
some are good
- they help us be
all our best;
some are not.
Isolate from the not
allows the best
to shine.

Technical details 

First off, a lot of what was written in the technical details section of Form 01 and of Form 02 applies here – certainly, at least, principles such as intention, passive vs. active techniques, relative strength, tools such as ritual to increase the strength of your units, using units you are familiar and/or comfortable with (and know to be BPM, by the way), use of multiple and/or overlapping units, anchoring your units, using multiple senses if possible, safe location/positioning so you do not harm others accidentally, and exceptionally good self-care skills and habits. 

I won’t repeat those common comments for this or the other forms, other than repeating the preceding paragraph. 

A siege is an endurance test: who can – and who will outlast who? 

That means self care and replenishment are essential, so make sure you attend to that. 

Now, in terms of ethics, while there is no direct bouncing of energies that requires checking to make sure the energy isn’t going to be bounced somewhere, that does NOT mean there are no impacts elsewhere that need to be considered. 

The individual/collected unit(s) that are being besieged are rarely clearly and truly independent of connection to others – and, given the complexity of humans, some of those effects could be good. 

Consider the case of an individual with an astral rage that is causing harm. If you have chosen surround and siege as the Form for addressing that person’s issues, you may also have to be careful not to cut off support that the person may be giving to – for example – immediate family, including children, the elderly, and the infirm. 

In fact, it may be concern for the wellbeing of those that is contributing to the rage – in which case working with the person’s BPM  Guides to get them to a suitable opportunity to work on constructively changing the world should be part of the approach. 

However, in terms of this form, if you completely cut off all energy flows, you are (a) stopping or impeding an active exercise for good that the person is doing, which will harm those people the target was helping, and (b) quite likely cutting off a source of joy and healing for that person. 

What this could look like in the physical, is that the person you are working on becomes withdrawn from family, and sinks into despondency, depression, or worse – which is harmful for those around the person, as well as the person. 

Therefore, all isolation of nonBPM flows should be accompanied by healing and other BPM energy work – done in cooperation with the person’s BPM  Guides and Higher Self

At the very least, make sure any sustenance that the isolated unit(s) were also providing either continue, continue with external boosting, or are replaced with something at least equally as effective. 

If you cannot ensure this, then you need to rethink whether or not to use the technique. 

As far as using this goes, I typically build it around visualisation of sigils and wards/shields/barriers, all with the intent to ensure the above. I typically aim to renew barriers on a waxing Moon (a waning Moon may be of relevance for Form 06). 

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Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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