Sunday 21 July 2024

Post No. 2,839 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1F - Form 06

Further to   “Post No. 2,712 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1”   I have some additional details on Form 06 below. I’ll start with the information from the above-mentioned post. 

Ultimately I will aim to do this for each Form so I can, at the very least, create a separate link for each Form. All posts in this series are now being listed at   “On line “courses” (on this blog) and practice exercises”   as they are completed.

Form 06 - Attrition

Attrition means, in a sense, “to wear away”: to, for instance, erode confidence, or reduce strength – which can be used against us as well.

This can be used against units that are contained, restrained or “held in place” (such as held in a Form 05 siege, which this was part of the technique I outlined here, although I hadn't mentioned it), much like sandpapering wood held in a clamp, or against units that are still in motion, like wind wearing away paint on a moving vehicle. 

Again, it is important for the sake of our nonphysical health, strength, and wellbeing to remember that this can be used against us as well – even if we are not in a trap or constrained in any way. 

The advantages of this technique are: 

  • one does not have to be as strong as the Units being worked on; 
  • it can be used subtly, without an obvious conflict; 
  • it is adaptable to a wide range of techniques and circumstances; 

The disadvantages of this technique are: 

  • it may take quite some time to have an effect; 
  • it can just as easily be used against us. 

Also, as mentioned, this could be part of another response – such as a Form 05 siege. 

I tend to most commonly use Form 09 techniques for the erosion (such as sending the occasional small pulse of BPM  spiritual love), but other techniques can also be used. 

As an example, if a nonBPM person is reliant on someone else to maintain their rage, perhaps distract that someone else so that they do not meet the nonBPM person, which may result in the rage easing, and thus contribute to the nonBPM person becoming BPM

And, as part of your regular self-care, spend some occasional time and effort – including communicating with your BPM  Guides / Tutelary (Matron/Patron/Non Binary) Deities / Higher Self / other BPM sources - to see if these techniques are being used against you, and, if they are, work out how to counter them (possibly in conjunction with your BPM  Guides / Tutelary (Matron/Patron/Non Binary) Deities / Higher Self / other BPM sources)

This technique is well suited to Water and/or Air  elemental  energy/units / magick/magickal techniques.   



Consistently, consistently;
Steadily, steadily
- like a relentless river of ice
the breath of a feather
times a thousand thousand
becomes a gale.

Technical details

First off, a lot of what was written in the technical details section of Form 01 and of Form 02 applies here – certainly, at least, principles such as intention, passive vs. active techniques, relative strength, tools such as ritual to increase the strength of your units, using units you are familiar and/or comfortable with (and know to be BPM, by the way), use of multiple and/or overlapping units, anchoring your units, using multiple senses if possible, safe location/positioning so you do not harm others accidentally, and exceptionally good self-care skills and habits. 

I won’t repeat those common comments for this or the other forms, other than repeating the preceding paragraph.

The original description of this technique has covered the essentials of this Form, and there is little to add. 

On that, it is worth considering using any rituals that are eroding the Units under siege when the moon is waning – but that is a suggestion, not a hard and fast guide. 

The same cautions about others affects apply here as for Form 05 – that is, as unit(s) that are being cleared by attrition are rarely clearly and truly independent of connection to others –some of which could be good - be careful not to cut off support that the person may be giving to (for example) immediate family, including children, the elderly, and the infirm (concern for whom may be a cause of the problems – in which case working with the person’s BPM  Guides to get them to a suitable opportunity to work on constructively changing the world should be part of the approach), so this work should be accompanied by healing and other BPM energy work – done in cooperation with the person’s BPM  Guides  and Higher Self – and making sure any sustenance that the unit(s) was(were) also providing either continue, continue with external boosting, or are replaced with something at least equally as effective. 

The other key point is that the rate of the work could possibly be slowed to reduce the risk of the person becoming aware of what is being (and note that such could be done against you), provide the rate of erosion still exceeds the rate of replenishment / reinforcement.



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(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)  

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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