Tuesday 23 July 2024

Post No. 2,841 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1H - Form 08

Further to   “Post No. 2,712 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1”   https://gnwmythr.blogspot.com/2024/02/post-no-2712-coming-formalisation-and.html   I have some additional details on Form 08 below. I’ll start with the information from the above-mentioned post. 

Ultimately I will aim to do this for each Form so I can, at the very least, create a separate link for each Form. All posts in this series are now being listed at   “On line “courses” (on this blog) and practice exercises”   https://gnwmythr.blogspot.com/p/on-line-courses-on-this-blog.html   as they are completed.

Form 08 - Allow through

This is also a difficult and risky technique, although not as harmful as absorption. The main risk with this technique is of harm to oneself, although if severe enough that could lead to one harming others (possibly accidentally/indirectly)

I first came across this concept in the 1970s with a very … “forgettable” (dreadful!) variant of a spaghetti western that some friends at Uni dragged me along to (at least they also regretted their choice), where one character had the capacity to let bullets pass through his body (or to catch them in a net and redirect them – all done to some sort of weird cackle and even weirder filming effects)

Then, in the early 2000s, I came across a group who had published their spiritual and magickal training techniques online, and that included allowing nonBPM (my term, not theirs, but covers the concept) to pass without resistance through oneself. 

Those techniques were subsequently removed, so I suspect the publication was accidental, and I will respect that removal by not naming them nor describing any of their techniques. 

I am a little doubtful about this Form, and thus haven’t done much development of techniques myself, but I will raise two points of concern, although before that:   what is the point of this technique? 

Well, it reduces the chance that a nonBPM force can do damage to oneself, which may be a way to either be somewhat undetectable or perhaps even (nonphysically) invisible, and may be one survival strategy for situations where one encounters a much stronger (than oneself) nonBPM force. 

If not undetectable, it may be a way to (perhaps only partially) demoralise the nonBPM by showing them that their attempts at nonBPM influence/harm have been ineffective. 

I suspect, however, one of the main benefits could be that it leads one to philosophically consider issues such as resistance, force, strength, enduring/yielding, long term vs short term, ego (especially of strength competitions), brute resistance vs. redirection (perhaps the principles of Aikido, which I have often heard described as using an opponent’s strength/momentum against them, although Wikipedia includes “an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attackers from injury”, and which might be useful as a basis for reflection here [or worth learning – I have that on my wish list] ), self-care vs. care for those one is protecting vs. care for all sentient life including one’s attacker, fight vs other ways of “winning” (such as those in “The Art of War”), and so on

A reflection on what “winning” is could be particularly useful – especially if one considers the fact that souls are not extinguished and thus the damage one does while defending might need to be resolved between you and attackers in a future life (although the valid needs of others for protection if they do not have your skills also comes in to that), the possible need to undo any damage done by the defence techniques to bystanders (I raised this possibility back in Form 01), and Pyrrhic victories

Now my concerns. 

Firstly, as with the reflective Forms, what happens to the energy after it has passed through you? 

In many situations, I am guarding others – which may involve me either literally or metaphorically being between those I am protecting and the unit(s) doing the threat, so if I let the nonBPM energy/units pass through me, my being there is rather useless. 

Secondly, there is the risk of a gradual accumulation of a little bit of what one has passed through. 

The counter to that is effective monitoring, both by oneself and by trusted people around you – which MUST become an effective habit if one is determined to use this technique. 

Monitoring is part of the self-care exercise (Exercise A) that I gave in   “Post No. 1,816 - Magickal Battle of the World - Weekly Meditation - Week No. 46 - A central, unifying image”   https://gnwmythr.blogspot.com/2021/04/post-no-1816-magickal-battle-of-world.html   

That also included some suggestions on improving one’s nonphysical health, strength, and wellbeing

I will leave this section at that for now. 

If I resolve my doubts, I will post any techniques I do develop, but I will share one point now that applies also to the creation of shields/wards

A lot of the shield/ward is, in effect, built on using opposites: the nonBPM is countered by something that is it’s BPM opposite. 

Thus anger would possibly be countered by a wall of calm that dissolves the anger (Form 06) or blocks it (Form 01). 

A variation on that might be to base the shield/ward on changing/transforming/re-directing/distracting the anger (Forms 02 or 04, for instance).

A refinement would be to look at the type of anger, and develop units that address that more specifically – in a very much over-simplified sense, one could see this as matching the frequencies or, a better analogy, creating matched but opposing phase wave patterns (a little like active noise control does, and a little like the  bulbous  bows on [mostly] large ships’ bows)

That last-mentioned refinement might be a way to achieve a safer variation of the “allow the nonBPM unit through” technique … 

This Form is predominantly food-for-thought, at this stage. 

This technique is well suited to Æther and Air  elemental  energy/units / magick/magickal techniques.


Better bend than break
Is not needed
If one is like
Squeezed in the hand 

Technical details 

First off, a lot of what was written in the technical details section of Form 01 and of Form 02 applies here – certainly, at least, principles such as intention, passive vs. active techniques, relative strength, tools such as ritual to increase the strength of your units, using units you are familiar and/or comfortable with (and know to be BPM, by the way), use of multiple and/or overlapping units, anchoring your units, using multiple senses if possible, safe location/positioning so you do not harm others accidentally, and exceptionally good self-care skills and habits. 

I won’t repeat those common comments for this or the other forms, other than repeating the preceding paragraph. 

The primary ethical concern is:

What will happen with the energy/unit(s) after they pass through?

This has been discussed in other Forms, so I won’t repeat that here – but you should be completely familiar with those issues. 

You should also thoroughly review the philosophical issues I raised above:   

  • force;   strength;   
  • resistance;   brute resistance vs. redirection (note the principles of Aikido);   endurance;   yielding;   
  • ego (especially of strength competitions);   
  • long term vs short term;   
  • self-care vs. care for those one is protecting vs. care for all sentient life including one’s attacker;   
  • fight vs other ways of “winning” (such as those in “The Art of War” - and note that souls are not extinguished and thus the damage one does while defending might need to be resolved between you and attackers in a future life);   
  • the possible need to undo any damage done by the defence techniques to bystanders;   and   

Note that I am not an expert or at a high level of proficiency with this Form. I hope others will develop and share their knowledge about it.

When considering this concept, most people think it means matching frequencies – but that is more something to do when you want to be in harmony with someone/something. Matching your frequency to something you want to let through risks making you like that – or could cause a resonance/amplification effect rather than solely allowing the energy/unit(s) to pass through. 

The group I came across this would occasionally channel it via the energy channels in their bodies, which risks harm to those channels. (I have also read this being used in novels.)

I consider a better alternative to this would be to create temporary nanotubes through yourself and convey the energy through those – but, as that would result in some constriction of area it would likely create some resistance to passage and thus, at the very least, alert whoever is behind the energy/unit(s) that something is going on and is worth a closer look. 

Another alternative might be to experiment with dimensional shifts, but that is complicated and risks being detectable. 

In my view, the promising area for this Form is to experiment with adapting the undetectability rune and similar to make yourself transparent to those energies. 

I’m not inclined to pursue that myself, as I prefer Form 09, but others may be inclined to explore this.

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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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