Sunday 18 July 2010

Post No. 134 - Reading and registers [Content Warning: discrimination, domestic violence, death, loss, murder, grief]

I've had an interesting week from the point of view of reading. Going backwards through the week, I had to go to the bank yesterday and, since it wasn't crack of dawn, and was a Saturday, and I couldn't do this at the counter, I knew I would have a bit of a wait: so ... I bought a book. I also then managed to leave the book in the car, so I had a long wait without being able to do any reading, but that's another story :)

Anyway, the book is "Spirit Whispers", by Charmaine Wilson (pub. Fontaine Press, Fremantle, 2006, ISBN 9780980417098), which is the autobiography of the Australian medium who won the TV series "The One". This was interesting for a few reasons:

  • she had quite a rough life, losing several people close to her - and, in fact, her struggle with grief seems to be what motivates her to do this work;

  • she was taught largely by her guides, directly, psychically, which is a situation I have wondered about at times (i.e., if there were no other groups or people one could learn from, would one's guides teach one directly? The answer is, of course, yes :) );

  • the author talks about "expanding her aura", which is similar (not identical!) to what I feel I do when I am remote sensing;

  • through this book, I came across an organisation called the Australian Psychics Association (which voted the author "Australian Psychic of the Year" in 2005), which has a Code of Ethics for members, and obliges prospective members to provide both a Statutory Declaration that they are who they say they are (i.e., an accurate psychic), AND three Statutory Declarations from satisfied past clients.
I think the idea behind the Australian Psychics Association is interesting, but my Wiccan background leaves me wary of the prohibition they have against misuse of spells in their Code of Ethics: it is well intentioned, and I can't specifically fault it, but I consider recommending that any use of witchcraft/spells be in accordance with the Wiccan Rede would be more appropriate.

There are other matters I would include also: directly mentioning respect for free will, acknowledging that all this is subject to the law (it is, you now - you can no more deliberately commit an act of fraud as a medium than as any other person), and specific coverage of avoidance of discrimination. In fact, I think this (a register of mediums/psychics/alternative healers who are ethical) is something that can go over to the Order of Hermes, with appropriate checks on prospective listees around their knowledge of and attitude to LGBTIQ people, different races, different religions, etc. (A comment should also be included for anyone who uses the website to find someone, that customers are ALSO obliged to obey the law, and are as ethically/morally bound to be honourable as the psychic/medium - so no lies, abuse, etc.)

It was also interesting to compare this book with Debbie Malone's "Never Alone" (pub. Random House, 2009, ISBN 978-1-74166-675-5). This second author had a probably more conventional introduction to mediumship (including training in a Spiritualist circle, which led to some Chistian biases [which I have found Spiritualism tends to have] against witchcraft), but wound up working somewhat more in the area of crime investigation (her book cover describes her as "Australia's own Allison DuBois" ... )

Of these two, I would say that Charmaine Wilson actually had the better training: one of the chapters in her book is called "Psychic Boot Camp", and she talks about having to practise and perfect skills to the satisfaction of her Guides, which parallels the intense training I had to go through when I was learning seriously back in the 80s.

The "training" in character of both (probably more so Charmaine) brings to mind the experiences of Ingrid Poulson, who wrote the book "Rise" (pub. Pan Macmillan Australia, Sydney, 2008, ISBN 978-1-4050-3863-8) after her ex-husband killed her children and her father while she was reporting his rape of her the previous night to the police, about how she came to live a life of resilience after these terrible events.

Going back to Charmaine Wilson and Debbie Malone, Debbie Malone has had some success at mechanical techniques such as psychic photography, whereas Charmaine Wilson has not apparently been successful at such matters (although a friend had reportedly got a photo of Charmaine Wilson's spirit guide while she was giving "proof of survival" [1] readings at an RSL).

It was also very interesting that the turning point for Charmaine Wilson was seeing John Edwards on TV, after which she was able to find and read books by quite a few mediums, including Doris Stokes.

So ... moving on to other reading.

I found the description of developing non-visual senses (physical and psychic), and then using non-visual preferences (of scents, textures, etc) as ways of inferring what colour one's aura is in "Auras and how to read them", by Sarah Bartlett (Collins & Brown, London, 2000, ISBN 978-185585-746-4), quite interesting.

Some web links that were interesting (to me) this week were:

  • (about a book by Diana L. Paxson about trance work, based on Norse and other Northern Traditions; this site includes links to the Introduction and Chapter One as samples)

  • The Return of the Völva: Recovering the Practice of Seidh

  • The Oracle

  • Sex, Status, and Seidh: Homosexuality and Germanic Religion

  •, about a book "Emotional Awareness co-written by the Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman, the scientific advisor to the TV series "Lie to Me", who's website includes commentary on what they got wrong in the TV series (see also here) - I am looking forward to getting and reading a copy of this book :)

  •, about a different approach to past life regression to that I use ("Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy" - and, I point out, I am not qualified to use hypnotherapy or hypnosis, and no interest in either doing so or becoming qualified to do so :) )

  • [2]

  •, which included the following: "In Aboriginal culture Badlands don’t exist. The earth/landscape is regarded as a sentient being to be nurtured and cherished. In the case of unacceptable cultural practices, atonement must be made in the form of appropriate healing rituals to re-enchant and restore the land. Dudley Flats will undergo an epiphany when it is eventually incorporated into the mainstream, after more than 150 years as the receptacle for all that Melbournians [sic] found valueless or undesirable. This space has played the role of our collective burial ground where we dumped unwanted goods and people. When the bulldozers move in what will be excavated and brought to the surface and what interred? The luxury flats to be erected here will bury a heritage which is already partially interred, already an absence which will surely come back to haunt us." (about "Dudley Flats", in West Melbourne)


  •, about the "Dowsing Society of Victoria", which I am contemplating attending so I can learn more about "Hartmann and Curry Grids and New Energy Lines" (see also here, which is from the Spheres of Light's Axis Mundi on-line magazine)
Next, a few rune links, some of which are a bit commercial (sorry!):

Finally, I have just found the TV series "Afterlife". Wow.

Enjoy :)

Love, light, hugs and blessings



  1. See here and here; I particularly found this, this and this interesting.

  2. From the website: "People confuse the concept of Animal Dreaming with the new wave of interest directed toward Animal Communication, or the intuitive ability to talk to the animals. Although I appreciate and respect the concept, I am not a 'horse whisperer'. I do not talk to people's pets. I can talk to animals. We all can. But its not my strength. It's not my medicine. Instead, I observe and interpret their tangible wisdom, demonstrated by how they relate to their kind, other species and their environment, and then integrate what they have 'to say' into my life. We are all animals - mammals in fact, and the understanding that we can communicate with the animals comes from the fact that we are all one. We all, ultimately, share the same thoughts. What I do looks at the wisdom of the animals from a medicine point of view. The animals understand their sacred purpose and they honour it, not to enhance their place in the world, but rather to demonstrate how we can enhance ours. The animals are tangible. They are real. Their wisdom is ancient and all embracing. When we begin to look to the animals for guidance, we begin to remember Spirit. Incorporating the wisdom of the animals into our life is as easy and as natural as breathing."

  3. The list of tags is longer than the "official" labels: the tags list is what I wanted to have, but there is a character limit: I decided to keep it for my own purposes, and I'll see if I can work out a way to add them (perhaps to a second, "dummy" post ... [see ... ]). TEMPORARILY REMOVED

This post's photo is of two of our cats "helping" me do some reading (actually, preparing for a book review I am yet to post).

Tags: emotions, grief, resilience, depression, hate, forgiveness, cross-training, mediumship, psychism, trance, past life regression, Ingrid Poulson, Charmaine Wilson, Debbie Malone, John Edwards, Doris Stokes, Diana L Paxson,

First published: Sunday 18th July, 2010

Last edited: Sunday 18th July, 2010