Sunday 28 March 2021

Post No. 1,808 - Dowsing The World’s Psychic Weather - Water: Lesson Eight - Self-assessment

One of the key aspects of working today is that many people work on their own - either because they cannot find a suitable group / teacher, or because there are ethical questions about the group / teacher (which I wrote about in this week’s “Magickal Battle of the World” meditation).

Nevertheless, it is possible to set small, measurable tests for oneself, and use that as a small-scale test of what one is detecting.

As an example, do a divination of a place where one will be going - perhaps a workplace, or a friend’s place. The idea is to find how much BPM and nonBPM energy there will be, as an overall average, when you arrive.

Don’t try to divine specific people or objects - those are subject to active, ongoing influences and thus frequent change (especially people, where the influences can also be internal and psychic - for better or worse, and that is too hard a test when beginning - and, in the case of people, may be a breach of consent), but perhaps try to get a sense of whether the lunch room at your workplace is settled or agitated, or whether there are any clouds of BPM / nonBPM energy in your friend’s front yard (do not breach rules of privacy and etiquette - apart from being wrong, you wouldn’t be able to check anyway).

If you find your divination is not quite right, go on a spiritual quest to find out what you can do better - do you need more/less practice, check your technique methods / “settings” (cord length, movement of crystal, etc), environmental influences, personal state of being, etc.

This can be checked by meditating on the questions, asking for guidance during your sleep state, asking more experienced people if you know and trust such people, and even asking your pendulum or using other methods of divination.

Above all else, don’t throw your hands up and melodramatically declare you can’t do this: view your accuracy as a problem to be solved or an issue to be resolved, and seeking to do s as - as I just mentioned - a spiritual quest, which it is.

Another important point is to use like-for-like tests.

The work I do for the Psychic Weather Reports is about “psychic atmosphere” (something remote viewers focus on), so there is no point testing your ability to dowse by doing something like looking for metals.

On the other hand, if you wanted to know how to dowse for minerals, that is exactly what you would practice and measure - you might need someone to help, which is what we’ll get into in the next lesson.

The idea is to start on a small, measurable scale, and then work your way up. As you do so, however, it is vital to be aware of the other influences which can get in the way - situations involving people are always inherently volatile, especially at the national level, and affected by news events, natural disasters, and those seeking to actively influence these events for better or for worse.

On that, have a read of this post on undetectability, and consider using the combined or component sigils as part of your protection. 

As an example of gradually increasing scale, someone wanted to work on improving the energy on a section of dangerous road. I guided them through dowsing the energy flow in their driveway, and then they were able to go to the road and place some pre-prepared sigils in places they identified (and there have been no further accidents).

In the case of the PWR style of work, once you’re doing well enough at places you frequent, then try doing the same for larger places - perhaps shopping centres.

Don’t try to be perfect - there is an admonition not to let the perfect get in the way of the good, and those who try to focus on excellence can be hiding a fear of failure or other similar flaw. In other words, they are sabotaging themselves, and avoiding the possibility of giving any help because they cannot do so perfectly.

This is life. It’s messy and imperfect, and you should avoid large errors and active harm, but if you can do a little good, you should.


Past Lessons

Earth: First principles:

Water: Dowsing