Wednesday 21 December 2022

Post No. 2,332 - Ukraine and other matters now, this blog next year, and being a good (?) future ancestor [Content Warning: war, violence, crises, discrimination/bigotry]

Something I have written about previously - often - is the opportunity to be of service in the here and now - I'll give some links below. We have multiple such opportunities right now, including: 

  • the climate crisis, which requires an enlightening of minds and strengthening of hearts - especially in deniers; 
  • the war in Ukraine against Putins invasion - but there are others conflicts as well, including in the eastern DRC, still in Syria and other areas of West Asia, where Erdoğan is the person of concern; 
  • the struggle to get or regain and keep democracy - in the USA and many other places against the current versions of fascism, white supremacy, misogyny and other forms of bigotry, in Libya and South Sudan, where the struggle is against the powerful and greedy, and in Burma and many other places against Newtonian minded and iron hearted military juntas, most utterly barbarous; and 
  • against the evils of poverty, inequity, injustice and wrongs such as modern slavery.

There is plenty to do - take your pick, or work on all, perhaps in rotation, perhaps at the same time, or perhaps using both approaches as is needed to suit the days circumstances, which is my preference.

One decade from now, people will be talking about the war in Ukraine, and some people - perhaps children, perhaps friends, perhaps yourself - will be wandering what you did. 

Two and three decades from now, we will be in an ever-worsening climate crisis, and some people - perhaps children, perhaps friends, perhaps yourself - will be wondering what you did when something could have been done to avert the worst of this. 

A century from now, people will be looking back at our barbarous bigotry and struggle for decency in governance and equity in society, and some people - perhaps children, perhaps friends, perhaps yourself in a future life - will be wandering what you did.

One of the best sayings I have ever come across on this (and I apologise for not knowing from where or who) is: 

trying to be a good ancestor

Of the many crises we have now, what are you doing now in order to be considered, in the future, to have been a good ancestor? 

On a personal note, my circumstances will be changing by the middle of next year, and I will have more time and energy to devote to this and my other blogs - and my writing.

In the meantime, here are those links I mentioned:


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