Sunday, 5 January 2025

Post No. 2,984 - A classification system for energies and other units

When people are using psychometry or some other psychic sense/skill, there is generally an expectations that what is being identified (or sensed/perceived) will be described. This is sometimes described light-heartedly (and sometimes used to trivialise or mock) along the lines of the meeting tall, dark, and handsome under the lamppost trope.

However, I consider people dive in to trying to describe specifics too quickly - most psychics can take a lesson from the training given to Remote Viewers in at least some courses/books, part of which is often along the lines of “what is the atmosphere like?”, or “what does it feel like?”

Taking a step back, influences can broadly be:  

  • beneficial; 
  • harmful; 
  • neutral (as in, not affecting).

Each of those could, broadly speaking, be because of one or more of the following: 

  • active or deliberate influence; 
  • lack of action (much as failing to throw someone who is drowning a lifeline or buoy is allowing harm by inaction, and not throwing oil to someone in a fire is beneficial by inaction); or 
  • harmonious/disharmonious reactions (e.g., someone who is allergic to a medicine would find being given that harmful, or more mildly, someone who neither likes nor dislikes a colour scheme will be unmoved by being exposed to that colour scheme, and someone who likes a type of music will benefit from from others who dont will not).

And, given that there could be multiple reasons for influence, whatever is being assessed may have a mixture of influences - e.g., the colour scheme could actually include colours that are liked or disliked, as well as those that are neutral.

So ... assessing a unit, I suggest, could first involve assessing which one of the three categories it is (keeping in mind that this could change over time, or in different places, or as a result of different groups of people/units - a group of friends will give someone strength and equanimity when listening to a form of music they don't normally like, but being with someone who is a strong fan may exacerbate the disharmonious reaction, for instance), and then ascertaining - including for the neutral influences - what the mechanism is. 

Then, having determined the broad context, start to narrow your focus on the traditional sorts of specific details. 

So the above can be presented as a tabulation (or matrix, if you prefer). I can’t create those in Blogger, so I've done it elsewhere and am importing it as a figure: 




If you create a table along these lines, it may help you record and sort your impressions - while learning, at any rate.  


PS - maybe something similar can be done for refining sensing of units beyond this? 

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(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)  

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

#PsychicABetterWorld   and   

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