Monday, 27 January 2025

Post No. 3,007 - A reminder: a free 81 lesson course on psychic activism

Back in the days of the COVID pandemic, I put together a series of weekly lessons on what could basically be described as psychic or spiritual (or maybe witchcraft, although it is broader than that set of techniques) activism. 

It was more about how to use techniques, including working in groups, working with tactics and strategy, as well as some basic exercises (that I have been using and teaching to others since the 1980s) on developing psychic skills for magickal battles to make the world a better place. 

Once I had completed that, I did a shorter supplemental course on the dowsing and mapping techniques I use when creating my (near) weekly Psychic Weather Reports.  

So others could access those materials if they wished later on, I added them to my blog page “My on line “courses”, practice exercises, and advanced material”, together with other free online content I have published.

I am trying to get the time, energy, health, and resources to put those courses (and other materials) into an e-book or two, but that project may be beyond me. I’ll see, I guess: I am still doing some work on that, but life has other, more pressing matters.

Im including the link a link to one lesson each day in my , but I thought it may be useful to re-post the complete bunch of links here. 

So ... feel free to consider working your way through these lessons: 

2.       The “Magickal Battle of World” Series

01. Introduction, definition of the problem(s), and Realisation;   02. Determination;   03. Together;   04. Caution, respect and integrity (aka cunning);   05. Momentum;   06. Insight;   07. Preciseness;   08. Progress;   09. Learning;  

10. Purposefulness;   11. Conciseness;   12. Measurement;   13. Faith;   14. Proficiency;   15. Alliances;   16. Countering adaptations;   17. Motivations of the nonBPM;   18. The humanness of the flaws that underlay opposition;   19. Undetectability;  

20. Evolution;   21. Perspective;   22. Wisdom;   23. Tradition;   24. The outmoded;   25. Persistence;   26. Discernment;   27. Paleo-emotions;   28. Inspiration (bringing out the best in individual people);   29. Inspiration (bringing out the best in oneself);  

30. Ally;   31. Inspiration (bringing out the best in groups);   32. Cooperation: the counter to subservience;   33. Humility: the counter to arrogance;   34. Imbalance and balance;   35. Spiritual opportunities from spiritual distancing;   36. The spiritual needs and opportunities of the climate crisis and the environment;   37. The spiritual challenges of entangled issues;   38. Knowing what changes need to be made now and on a long term basis;   39. How to find a direction for a constructive, evolutionary response;  

40. Knowing when and how to adopt a chosen direction / action;   41. How to work with the various levels and aspects of oneself;   42. How to work with the various levels and aspects of others;   43. How to work in a group or movement;   44. How to work in a group or movement at a distance;   45. How to work in a group or movement with ethics and integrity;   46. A central, unifying image;   47. How to avoid group think - or a nonBPM group mind / “egregore”;   48. The allure of power;   49. The challenge of servant-leadership in this unevolved world;  

50. Managing up - including spiritually;   51. The long term benefits of planting a seed;   52. The short term need of decisive, quick, and strong action;   53. Differentiating between short and long term needs - and finding a holistic solution;   54. Finding a more spiritual solution;   55. Finding a psychic solution;   56. Lessons from war;   57. Gathering intelligence;   58.   Astral undetectability;   59.   The battlefield - or psychic topography;  

60.   Preparing - building strengths and numbers;   61.   Preparing - planning tactics, strategy and grand strategy;   62.   Nonphysical allies;   63.   Other aids;   64.   Force concentration;   65.   Unity of effort;   66.   Reinforcement and reserves;   67.   Fire and manoeuvre;   68.   Clearing and healing in detail;   69.   Defence in depth;  

70.   “Hedgehog” defence;   71.   Manoeuvring;   72.   Direct contest;   73.   Flanking;   74.   (Ethical) distraction / deception;   75.   Attacks from within;   76.   Make haste slowly;   77.   Withdrawal;   78.   Healing casualties;   79.   Responsibility;  

80.   Grand strategy;   81.   Making light manifest

Key practice exercises have been summarised at  


3.       Dowsing the World’s Psychic Weather

Earth: First principles:

Water: Dowsing

Air: Sensing and dowsing at a distance

Fire: Energy

Æther: Dowsing the world


Blessed be

If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below, and theres also other options

Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here

(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)  

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

#PsychicABetterWorld   and   

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