For this month’s Full Moon Esbat I basically did the Correllian Tradition’s Outer Court Self Dedication - which is a re-dedication, in my case.
I was initiated into the First Degree during my previous membership, but, owing to a couple of decades of wear and tear, including the challenges of coming to terms with probably being neurodivergent, I am not going to attempt to take on the roles and responsibilities of being a Priestess. (I also attained Second and Third Degree Initiations in another Tradition, one which I was an Elder in ... and which I wound up to resolve some problems [although the only active Temple then continued - quite successfully - as a Coven], but I doubt that would have any significance in the Correllian Tradition.)
The Correllian Tradition is not exclusive, so I will also continue with the Pagan path I have developed over my lifetime - which is an eclectic mix including some Western Mystery Tradition (especially the LBRP), Spiritualism (including working as a trance medium - mainly for spirit rescue), and other aspects.
However, I am getting some of the social connection in spirituality through my (limited, as I refuse to use any M_ t_ products, such as F_ c_ b__k) membership.
On that, I have also noticed that many of my working tools (especially my small crystals ... and some items my partner saved when I was too determined to downsize my possessions at any cost [Diolch Cariad/Mandaang Guwu Ngubaanbularr]) just wish to share space with me and each other, and there is no drive to do any particular work.
It is almost as if, when I retired from day job, my crystals and other tools decided it was time for me to slow down energetically as well ...
It is quite a shift, in some ways. In the past, if I felt the urge to take a particular crystal with me when I left the house, I would try to discern what work had to be done. Now, it is just a couple of old timers, one organic, one not, having a quiet day trip.
Going back to work, I am still wanting to finish and get my books out in some way; I wonder if the Correllian Tradition might be one outlet I could use? (Although they seem to not use e-books ... they do have some, but my techniques would be too different so I’ll put that in the “probably not” category)
Ah well, it is all food for thought, and it is very late here - although I am finding being semi-nocturnal helps me get the things I want done, without having to cope with the daytime summer heat.
Blessed Be
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(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)
Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).#PsychicABetterWorld and candles for Viva La Résistance à Tr_ mp! and may all that I do be of value and actively BPM used for and by the nonphysical BPM
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