This is from this week’s coming reflections post, and is a matter for which the work of this blog needs to be done urgently - as well, perhaps, as activism and other non-violent options:
In the global war against the radical right/f_s c_sm this week, the risk of the USA invading Greenland, much as H_t l_r invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938 as a key step towards World War (part) Two, has grown substantially. From the report on that call: “The Financial Times reports that according to five current and former senior European officials who were briefed on the call, the conversation “was horrendous”. One person said: “He was very firm. It was a cold shower. Before, it was hard to take it seriously. But I do think it is serious and potentially very dangerous.” Another person who was briefed on the call told the outlet: “The intent was very clear. They want it. The Danes are now in crisis mode.” Someone else said: “The Danes are utterly freaked out by this.” The Danish reaction has also been described as furious - and a military attack would trigger the involvement of NATO, and thus constitutes a major risk of a global calamity.
PS - the abusive treatment of deportees on military flights suggests strongly that there are people in the US military who are willing actors for, if not part of, the US fascist movement (radical right is just not strong enough - especially given recent revelations). That also makes it quite clear that, if Tr_ mp orders the invasion of Greenland, the evil IPOCs will comply ...
PPS - see: “OMG! Denmark PREPARES for POSSIBLE INVASION by USA” by the Meidas Touch Network
My nation, Australia, MUST stand with Denmark.
My nation must also realise the immaturity, irresponsibility, and amathia of outsourcing any part of being a sovereign nation - such as cosying up to bigger military powers for defence by dangerous schemes such as AUKUS instead of standing on our own two feet.
Incidentally, Denmark’s Queen Mary was originally an Australian.
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(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)
Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).#PsychicABetterWorld and candles for Viva La Résistance à Tr_ mp! and may all that I do be of value and actively BPM used for and by the nonphysical BPM
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