This is going to be one of those quick posts so I can get a thought out there.
To begin with, our physical reality came into being as a result of higher (more spiritual, and what is generally termed “higher frequency”) forces.
I state that as some Western Mystery Tradition writers seem to suggest we have to create higher bodies to migrate into, and that simply isn’t true.
Those souls on, and co-creating, astral and higher nonphysical realms face a specific characteristic - one which makes being there generally pleasant, and that is that distance is more related to the harmony/similarity or lack of that of people, animals, places, etc.
It is possible for dissimilar people to come into contact, but that requires effort, owing to the nature of reality.
As I wrote (in 2013) in “Post No. 481 - Public Talk on "Why Are We Here?", Safe Travels and Containment/Prevention of Bushfires Ritual” (note that I have not attended the place mentioned for years - largely over anti-LGBTQIASB+ biases):
I gave another public talk today at the Spiritualist place I go to - this one at slightly longer notice, as the original lecturer was ill, but at short enough notice that I couldn’t prepare written notes.
Now, my talk.
In essence it was:
- what is the purpose of having a physical level of Reality?
- answers that the physical exists to show beauty and variety are, despite the undoubted beauty and variety of the physical, not applicable as exactly the same applies in the astral;
- answers that it is for experience, learning, growth and “becoming all that one can be” don’t explain the matter, as these all continue to happen in the astral and other non-physical levels of reality;
- similarly, answers based on learning to (spiritually) love are also not an answer, as that also happens in the astral etc;
- if we look at the characteristics of the astral, what we perceive as “distance” in the physical is replaced by closeness / harmony of basic being (or, if you prefer, similarity of fundamental frequency), which means it is harder to be in the presence of disharmony when you are in the astral hence, being loving and dedicated to growth is easier;
- in the physical, you can find yourself in the presence of people who are different, or not in harmony with you, and thus learning to spiritually love them is harder even though there is not necessarily anything “wrong” with them - and, as a result, the growth you make is better.
Now, more recently, in “Post No. 2,985 - More problems with the UAP/UFO/ET field” I wrote:
PPS - the anti-surgery attitude shown is as anti-advancements and amathiac as refusing to have blood transfusions for medical reasons.
I may need to work this, and the fact that social ID systems are predicated on what enables the ultra-wealthy and powerful to protect their things (and thus are colonialist etc in nature), into a standalone post ...
I’m going to copy the figure here “for convenience” (i.e., so people see it):
This means it is possible for people at one stage of evolution to be getting guidance that, while it may be helping them with where they are at spiritually, is less advanced than the knowledge of other incarnate people - i.e., people can be wrong, but that won’t necessarily be made a big deal of by their BPM Guides if it is not central to where they are at ... which means they, in turn, should listen to those for whom those issues ARE central to their existence.
It also means that those who are bemoaning being “woke” (which is a term developed by sections of the US African-American community in the 1930s relating to awareness of social and political issues) or DEI or describing normal human variations as a problem are:
(a) spectacularly clueless around their own social status privilege;
(b) amathiac (noting that is a choice not to use the faculties one has); and
(c) acting against the reason (purpose), as outlined above, that this physical universe exists.
They are personally going backwards - and, sadly, dragging others (who often want to recreate the closeness of astral life here by latching on to whoever will have them) with them.
Is there a comfort in knowing this?
No, even though it may well be a key part (along with a well developed ability to learn [something I have occasionally said is: we are not here to learn everything and become perfect, but, rather, to make more perfect our ability to learn and grow] ) of moving beyond reincarnating to this planet (there are other planets with life on them, many more evolved than this one, which one may still need to go through a series of incarnations on): the suffering they are causing is real, and potentially soul-scarring.
And that means it is essential for those who do know this to keep working to promote the awareness and spiritual growth/evolution of all sentient life - remembering that, while active harm must be contained for the sake of the Greatest Good, people are not extinguished at death, they will be reincarnated, and how they are treated now will affect how open they are to growth and change and spiritual evolution in their next life (and, for a shorter term illustration of that, look at what actually works in terms of getting people out of cults/violent movements, etc).
Possible flaws
Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider:
- there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking”;
- I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.
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Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here.
(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)
Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).#PsychicABetterWorld and candles for Viva La Résistance à Tr_ mp! and may all that I do be of value and actively BPM used for and by the nonphysical BPM
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