Tuesday 27 July 2010

Post No. 139 - Stay at home kids

I am blessed by the partner I have [1] in a number of ways: one is that we both agree it is important for children to leave the family home so they can experience independent life and finish their growth into maturity.

Can I put my tongue firmly in my cheek and say (write) that I think any parent who allows their kid to stay at home past 26 without good reason [2] could be committing a form of child abuse?

I'm not serious, but it is worth thinking about the view that your kids are serving an apprenticeship to become adults - normal, mature, independent adults, particularly given the trend for kids to stay at home for a long period, which seems to be happening more and more in recent decades.

See here and here for some of my other posts which are (sort of) related to this.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


  1. I should probably write "primary" partner here to help emphasise the message of polyamory, but I don't actually have more than one partner, at the moment (that's NOT an invitation, BTW)
  2. There can be good reasons for this, such as illness on the part of the parents (i.e., they may need to be looked after) or disability on the part of the child. Helping the kid save for a house is NOT a good reason - if they can't save the deposit without help, they may well be being encouraged to take on a debt they cannot service.

This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: immaturity, maturity, family, parenting, children,

First published: Tuesday 27th July, 2010

Last edited: Tuesday 27th July, 2010