Monday 31 July 2023

Post No. 2,523 - Some thoughts on the legal cases against #45, and on countering evil [Content Warning: harm, abuse, power, violence, trauma]

Something I have written about previously is the topic of evil, including how to counter it - see the links at the end of this post. 

On that, the legal cases against former US president #45 are mounting - they seem slow, but those involved are working from the outside in”, to ensure a solid foundation for their cases (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here, all from Teri Kanefield, and also here, here, here, and here). That is also the safest way to work at neutralising, reversing, and removing evil - get the weakest supporters to become balanced positive (BPM, preferably), and that will weaken their controllers, thus making it easier to weaken them and thus gradually move up that nonBPM hierarchy and eventually address the strongest  controller - who will often not be incarnate. 

This takes time - which is something I have also written about previously - see here, for instance, which suggested four years for 1-2,000 trained witches to achieve a specific physical world effect (for the better, of course)

In the case of #45, consider this: 

  • the event that is widely considered to have set #45 on the path to the US presidency is a roasting that #45 received from former President Obama in 2011; 
  • #45 was elected to power in 2016, and continued to build his physical and, unconsciously, to build his nonphysical controlling networks, while at the same time efforts to counter his physical and nonphysical influence started; 
  • in 2020 #45 was voted out, and, in an act of spectacular self sabotage, committed ill-judged acts that strengthened the cases against him, created new cases, and added to the outrage of those trying to bring decency back into that nation - and thus world;
  • in 2023, #45 has been arrested a couple of time, lost some key cases, and is looking to be on decidedly shaky ground (but the principle of innocent until proven guilty still applies - even to him).

So ... five year build up, four years in power, and around seven years of strong action against his evil ... 

Achieving change in the world can take time (longer than the above - see here), but it can be done, and thus patient, sustainable persistence is always worthwhile. 

As a starting point, it seems to me that around four years may be required to counter the specific acts of an evil individual, and four decades for large scale (global) societal change. 

Those suggestions are undoubtedly not going to apply to all situations, but it is a point of comparison - i.e., during planning consider whether you may have a situation that is likely to take longer or shorter time than my suggested reference time ... keeping in mind that assume adequate quantity and quality of resources.

Those links are - and I will try to make this an ongoing updates list (the list is too long to add dates to the older posts, but I may do so for future posts)


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Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.