Tuesday 15 August 2023

Post No. 2,547 - One of the non-progressive aspects of progressives [Content Warning: discussion on and link to graphic film showing animal cruelty]

I recently watched a well presented video on a disconnect that many “progressives” (from a US-based YouTube channel, so US terminology) have around non-human rights, as opposed to human rights.

Why "Progressives" Fail on Veganism | Exploring the Disconnect from the “Those Annoying Vegans” YouTube channel.

This would be suitable for wider distribution without the graphic footage inserted - and no matter that there are good arguments for doing so, it can be counter-productive if it traumatises people (e.g., survivors of war or violent natural disasters) or is considered age inappropriate - it will miss a wider audience.

This principle applies elsewhere as well - there can often be a valid reason for shocking people, but the downside of that is it might limit the size of your audience. 

Tailoring approaches to suit audience, and adopting several formats is often a key part of activism. 

In any case, I would recommend the video, although it probably merits an MA15+ approach.


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Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.