There is an opportunity to do the work of this blog (clearing nonBPM nonphysical units and BPM strengthening of BPM units, and healing of all) now in relation to:
- the recurrence of El Niño and the existential crisis of the climate crisis generally, together with poverty, world hunger & thirst, war/conflict/violence, bigotry, and the opposition to christo-fascism;
- the ongoing problem of gang violence in Haiti;
- the departure of peacekeepers from Mali;
- ongoing violence and human rights abuses in Ethiopia, and in Nigeria, Nigeria, Mexico, Sudan, Darfur, Sudan, Sudan, Afghanistan - see this call for action, and hate-based violence in Sweden;
- the human health risks in the air, water and even surviving buildings after the fires in Hawaii;
- floods and landslides in India - and South Asia generally during the current monsoon season (lightning strikes are also a common and severe problem);
- a missing Indonesian crew member from a capsized boat;
- need for help because of cost-of-living increases in Australia;
- environmental desecration in Tasmania but protection in Brazil;
- taking advantage of this reflection on nonBPM social change;
- aiding Africa by strengthening the UN;
Fill all areas affected by El Niño & other major global problems and all decision makers with power over same, Haiti, Mali, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, Afghanistan, Sweden, Indonesia, Australia, Brazil, those seeking to undo recent harmful social changes, and the UN with BPM energy (including healing), and clear nonBPM units (your BPM Guides can help direct the energy & clearing for you).
Vote Yes for the Voice in Australia.
Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.