There is an opportunity to do the work of this blog (clearing nonBPM nonphysical units and BPM strengthening of BPM units ) now in relation to:
- fires in Hawaii;
- dengue in Bangladesh;
- floods in Norway;
- the ongoing war in Sudan - which is impacting Chad, and the growing tensions over the coup in Niger (which some Nigeriens see as an anti-colonial act);
- and the abuses initiated by elites.
There is also an indication (see figure below) from the live 24-hour display of output from the Global Consciousness Project of a need to do work somewhere in the world: I will be meditating to determine what energetic action I should be taking, and then doing the work of this blog (clearing nonBPM nonphysical units and BPM strengthening of BPM units ) wherever it is needed, and ask you to consider doing the same.
Fill Hawaii, Bangladesh, Norway, Sudan, Chad, Niger, all who are working against the abuses initiated by elites, and wherever the GCP dot is responding to, with BPM energy (including healing), and clear nonBPM units (your BPM Guides can help direct the energy & clearing for you).
Vote Yes for the Voice in Australia.
Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.