There is an opportunity to do the work of this blog (clearing nonBPM nonphysical units and BPM strengthening of BPM units, and healing of all) now in relation to:
- the recurrence of El Niño
and the existential crisis of the climate crisis generally, together
with poverty, world hunger & thirst, war/conflict/violence, bigotry, and the opposition to christo-fascism;
- the example set by the USA of spending more money to attempt to address the climate crisis;
- bushfires in Spain's Canary Islands and Canada;
- a campaign to remove discrimination from Tunisia;
- attempts to reinvigorate the peace process in Cyprus;
- a new housing approach in Australia - but a need for help with insurance as the climate crisis hits harder;
- increased violence in Niger, continued horrors in Sudan, attacks on aid workers, sexual assault in the CAR and Sudan, Ecuador;
- corruption and attacks on governance in Zimbabwe;
- human rights abuses in Jordan;
Fill all areas affected by the climate crisis & other global crises and all decision makers, the Canary Islands, Canada, Tunisia, Cyprus, Niger, Sudan, aid workers, CAR, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, with BPM energy (including healing), and clear nonBPM units (your BPM Guides can help direct the energy & clearing for you).
Vote Yes for the Voice in Australia.
Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.