Friday 18 August 2023

Post No. 2,553 - Some interesting reading/viewing

Here are some links that might of interest or value:

  • I’ve started watching the series The Wheel of Time, based on the book series of the same name, and am quite liking it - so far. Its nice to see magic based on weaving light (something that fits in with my current  colour  work) aka energy, with only minimal use of objects (and rituals), and women in good strong roles - but not all perfect. I suggest it may be worth considering, if you can view it - but keep in mind I havent seen all of the first season as yet ... AND, as with almost all such series, [Content Warning] note that it is violent and graphic and thus not suitable for children - pay attention to the classification for your area (the site rates it as MA15+) ... and it it has the common flaw of binary gender roles (especially magic), but that may be the sort era it is set in - there are some non-hetero relationships (and may also be me not having watched all the episodes as I write this) ... and christo-fascist/neochristian type characters/organisations, so be warned
  • the benefits of so-called “time-wasting”
  • this weeks episode of the Light Gate series saw Preston  Dennett (books on Amazon) and Dolly Safran interview a MUFON investigator of a similar age to myself. It felt a little like a career retrospective, much as I have recently done for my day job ... but his was far more interesting 😊
    One interesting side reaction was that when the interviewee mentioned UFOs
    “hot rodding”, the extraterrestrials I normally work with took my astral for some UFO “hot rodding”, which helped me get over some discriminatory abuse by a tradie from earlier that day.
    One day, when I have completely retired from my day job, I am looking forward to being able to tune in to those events while they are happening;
  • this weeks afterlife report by the  Zammits

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Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.