Wednesday 23 August 2023

Post No. 2,563 - a realisation regarding a troubled group I was in back in the 80s

In the 1980s I was a student at group in the 1980s that I have been thinking about of late. The group had a number of strengths, and and a number of very significant flaws - including what I now describe as heteronormativity and transphobia aka bigotry ... as I wrote here, it was worth being part of that group, but I should have left earlier.

One of the key parts of working there was being a trance medium - or “channeller”, as it has now been Americanised to. 

We were taught well, and used the skill to do things like rescue  earthbound  discarnate  entities.

Those entities can be broadly categorised into cooperative and uncooperative (the links will explain the terms)

The approach used then was based on aggravating the entity, causing them to draw in and use nonBPM units (by being angry, upset, vengeful, etc) and clear those units that were being drawn in. 

This was based on a militaristic style of thinking (and is very common in toxic masculinity), which is that people should be incapable of being upset by anything.

That is wrong - emotions are lessons and strengths - which is covered by Karla McLaren, and written about by me in a few places (e.g., here)

The approach also failed so many times to emphasis or even acknowledge the BPM aspects of matters - including BPM units and BPM emotions, and BPM ways of doing things ... and that lack of balance, plus the exhaustion of being cannon fodder (their term for me - truly) routinely driven beyond any and all limits with not even the suggestion of a holiday (the atmosphere there was unrelenting), is why I left - considering myself a failure ...

In fact, the approach used at that is not only way to clear nonBPM units - as I wrote about here.

To elaborate on that, if nonBPM units are found (and linear connections are not how connections are best explained or found - quantum entanglement is closer to reality)  and pre-cleared before the uncooperative (whether living, as I wrote about, or discarnate, as worked with in rescue) tries to draw on them, the units are not there and they cannot be controlling etc ...

This is an inherently less violent approach - which is worth noting as the aggravation used by that leader included him being physical violent at times (slapping people while they were in trance to channel an uncooperative ... the crystals caused infection on my shins at times, and I have also wondered, given what is now known about concussion, what other injuries might have been caused ... [to be clear: I was always clear and focused when coming out of such trances]).

Attempting to prevent violence though violent means is inherently wrong and counterproductive - the end does NOT justify the means ...

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Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.