Day 43
Candles – Day 43 Tiw / Tyr
I give thanks for all past assistance from Tyr, and opportunities to be of service that He has brought my way, and may I serve Tyr in whatever other ways are prescribed.
Under the direction of the Higher Self and Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force (BPM) Guides of all concerned, and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG), may:
· mighty Tyr, known also as Tiw, God of Tuesday, I thank you for all your past deeds, including those of benefit to me, and may I be worthy of your service, serve you and your cause of justness as you see fit, and be rewarded as you deem right and proper;
· I also humbly ask that my home(s) past, present and future be kept safe and secure as places of social justice, courage and fairness; and
· I most humbly ask that:
o our rights as citizens, rather than customers, be restored;
o all abuses/misuses of the Names of Deities be BPM stopped and neutralised;
o the trend towards loss of privacy and personal dignity be stopped and reversed;
o duty, self-discipline and the external BPM imposition of BPM discipline come to be accepted as the other expressions of love;
o negativity and self-indulgent emotions come to be seen as tricksters, and drama and melodrama known for the evil that they are;
come to be viewed as apprentice adults, and only those who have
(a) moved out from home, and
(b) been through at least one Saturn Return,
be acclaimed as fully adult;
accept that it is aiming to produce not only literate and academically capable
students, but also well-rounded human beings - including stepping in where
parents/carers fail in their duty, and
that praise and encouragement not be given if it is unmerited or would only
serve to inflate an ego;
who are simplistic/jingoistic, superficial, small minded, fearful, naïve,
reactionary, immature, materialistic or otherwise nonBPM have their
consciousness BPM raised until they have a broader, more spiritual perspective
and outlook on life, governance and society, and
that all people be free of truly unwarranted, unjustified or unreasonable
expectations/sense of entitlement (and the ingratitude, rudeness and
self-centredness associated with same), but aware of what they can truly
Australian group mind become less xenophobic and more attentive, industrious
and mature, and
the Melbourne (under Bunjil’s guidance)-Sydney-Brisbane group minds less
materialistic and in favour of a slower paced life and greater social and
environmental and personal responsibility;
all with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may I and, as is for HSG, all others directly or indirectly involved, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.
Day 44
Candles – Day 44 Yinepu
I give thanks for all past assistance from Yinepu, and opportunities to be of service that He has brought my way, and may I serve Yinepu in whatever other ways are prescribed.
Under the direction of the Higher Self and Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force (BPM) Guides of all concerned, and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG), may:
· the Ways be open for me, and may I serve Inpu/Yinepu through my spirit rescue work and in whatever others ways are dictated. Suten Baraka;
· all be BPM prepared for:
o their eventual passing, unafraid and with equanimity, and without leaving problems for their near and dear ones left behind, and
o for the possible passing of those near and dear to them;
· may I, my home and tools, and my family and friends be protected;
· all with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may I and, as is for HSG, all others directly or indirectly involved, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
all with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may I and, as is for HSG, all others directly or indirectly involved, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it e.
Day 45
Candles – Day 45 Bast
I give thanks for all past assistance from Bast, and opportunities to be of service that She has brought my way, and may I serve Bast in whatever other ways are prescribed.
Under the direction of the Higher Self and Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force (BPM) Guides of all concerned, and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG), may:
· I be blest by the grace and gifts of Bast to the extent that I have merited it,
· our home be kept safe, and always be a place that cats are allowed and welcomed, and
· our cats be kept safe and well and well-behaved (and may the bullying of Willow by Luna, and Luna by Saffron, and Saffron by Willow be replaced by amicability and comfortable co-existence; and may Willow be less needy and clingy without resorting to standoffishness), and well adjusted (especially with regard to the neediness of Willow).
all with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may I and, as is for HSG, all others directly or indirectly involved, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
Suten Baraka.
Day 46
Candles – Day 46 Gyhldeptis (Lady Hanging Hair)
I give thanks for all past assistance from Lady Hanging Hair, and opportunities to be of service that She has brought my way, and may I serve Gyhldeptis in whatever other ways are prescribed.
Under the direction of the Higher Self and Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force (BPM) Guides of all concerned, and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG), may:
· - I may continue to synthesise, integrate and think laterally under the guidance of Lady Hanging Hair, in as many places, ways and times as She wishes, and may this be an offering to Her, and may I serve Gyhldeptis in whatever other ways she wishes;
· - the Rangers of the Inner Plane (and their successors) may be successful; and
· may:
o the combination of candles that I have lit this past quarter, will light in the coming quarter, and have lit/will light at other times, for each purpose;
o the combinations of purposes within each candle; and
o the responses to and applications of the energies invoked
be balanced, harmonised, synthesised, integrated and made a successful and harmonious whole, and protected and kept true to its original purpose (intent), with no unintended or non-Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light (non-BPM) consequences. Furthermore, may all those I have sought to help be guided, inspired and strengthened that they may come to do all this for themselves, without need of my help.
all with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may I and, as is for HSG, all others directly or indirectly involved, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.
Day 47
Candles – Day 47 Yemaya
Longest of all is my service to Yemaya, of all my Patron Deities, and I give thanks for that, and the opportunities and blessings it has brought: may I continue to serve this Lady of Bounty and the Gifts of Sea to her glory in whatever ways she decrees, and share in such benefits as she may allow or deem me worthy of. Blessed Be.
Day 48
Candles – Day 48 Djehuty
I give thanks for all past assistance and opportunities to be of service, and may I be of service as a communicator of Truth and Wisdom, may all my writing and expression be fit to be an offering to Djhuty and be such, and may I serve Djehuty/Thoth in whatever other ways are prescribed. Suten Baraka.
Day 49
Candles – Day 49 Heru
I give thanks for all past assistance and opportunities to be of service, and respectfully ask that Heru continue to bless my life, my path and those I share both with. May I be a better healer under this Lord's influence, and may my healing be of sufficient quality to be an offering to the Lord Heru, and be such. May I serve this Left Eye of Ra in whatever other ways are acceptable. Suten Baraka.
Day 50
Candles – Day 50 Ma’at
I give thanks for all past blessings I have received from Ma’at, and may, under the direction of Ma’at, my Higher Self and the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force:
· I find a way to be worthy of Ma’at; and
may the energies of Truth be of BPM assistance to:
· all who have sought, are seeking or will seek to make this world a better (i.e., more BPM) place by, for instance, working against corruption/slavery/crime/abuse of power/misleading others or ensuring that all are prepared for their eventual passing, and including opposing those actions, entities and units which are weakening or opposing the BPM or are not of the BPM;
· all those I have a duty to or have made a BPM choice to care about or assist;
· my Significant Others, past, present and future;
· myself, including my parallels and Higher Self and my life, health and wellbeing; and
· all specific actions I have, am or will think of in relation to accomplishing this, including all those I have raised previously with Ma’at (until they are BPM completed).
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.
Day 51
Candles – Day 51 P’tah
I give thanks for all past blessings received from P’tah, and may, under the direction of my Higher Self and my Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force (BPM) Guides, and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG):
· I develop my connection to and service for this Deity;
· I manifest the skills I need in my job and artificing situations or assignments;
· may my car be safe, reliable, long-lasting, effective and inexpensive;
· the energies and skills of P’tah be BPM used to make this world a better (i.e., more BPM) place, to help all those I have a duty to or have made a BPM choice to care about or assist, my Significant Others (past, present and future), and myself, including my parallels and Higher Self; and
· all specific actions I have, am or will think of in relation to accomplishing this, including all those I have raised previously with Ma’at (until they are BPM completed).
all with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may I and, as is for HSG, all others directly or indirectly involved, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.
Day 52
Candles – Day 52 Tengri and Eje, and The Great Gobi
For the Mongolian Deities, Tengri and Eje, and the Great Gobi.
Day 53
Candles – Day 53 The Morríghan
With thanks for all past assistance, and in honour of The Morríghan, may my connection to the Great Queen lead to personal sovereignty and better BPM spirit rescue , as well as my BPM service to Her.
Candles – Day 54 Cerrídwen
I give thanks for all past assistance from Cerrídwen, and opportunities to be of service that She has brought my way, and may I be of service as a communicator of Her Wisdom, and may I serve Cerrídwen in whatever other ways are prescribed.
Under the direction of the Higher Self and Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force (BPM) Guides of all concerned, and as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG), may:
· - in the ‘zeitgeist’:
o our rights as citizens, rather than customers, be restored;
o the trend towards loss of privacy and personal dignity be stopped and reversed;
o duty, self-discipline and the external BPM imposition of BPM discipline come to be accepted as the other expressions of love;
o negativity and self-indulgent emotions come to be seen as tricksters, and drama and melodrama known for the evil that they are;
come to be viewed as apprentice adults, and only those who have
(a) moved out from home, and
(b) been through at least one Saturn Return,
be acclaimed as fully adult;
accept that it is aiming to produce not only literate and academically capable
students, but also well-rounded human beings - including stepping in where
parents/carers fail in their duty, and
that praise and encouragement not be given if it is unmerited or would only
serve to inflate an ego;
who are simplistic/jingoistic, superficial, small minded, fearful, naïve,
reactionary, immature, materialistic or otherwise nonBPM have their
consciousness BPM raised until they have a broader, more spiritual perspective
and outlook on life, governance and society, and
that all people be free of truly unwarranted, unjustified or unreasonable
expectations/sense of entitlement (and the ingratitude, rudeness and
self-centredness associated with same), but aware of what they can truly
Australian group mind become less xenophobic and more attentive, industrious
and mature, and
the Melbourne (under Bunjil’s guidance)-Sydney-Brisbane group minds less
materialistic and in favour of a slower paced life and greater social and
environmental and personal responsibility;
o the small-mindedness that manifests in patronising questions (by women) of women athletes be utterly stopped and replaced with respect;
· over-population be BPM managed, prevented and reversed (e.g., by increased education and GDP) and over-consumption also BPM managed, prevented and reversed, with reduction in the number of ultra-rich and their influence;
· those responsible for abuses of justice as a result of prejudice, bigotry or hate be exposed and publicly brought to full, fair and impartial BPM justice, whether in this life or the next, and may their victims and any others who are of the same ilk as those responsible for the abuse see the justice being done and know that it is justice in this matter, and justice be extended to all who have or are suffering under similar circumstances of so-called ‘moral panic’;
all with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may I and, as is for HSG, all others directly or indirectly involved, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
Day 55
Candles – Day 55 Athena
For Athena, and Her work – including the protection of women and children, the warrior spirit in women, and wisdom in battle and conflict.
Day 56
Candles – Day 56 Thor
For Thor, His magnificent Thunder, and His work – particularly for the everyday person.
Day 57
Candles – Day 57 Kwan Yin
For Kwan Yin, and Her work – including the protection of women and children.
Day 58
Candles – Day 58 BPM Guide White Waters Fall
For my BPM Guide White Waters Fall.
Day 59
Candles – Day 59 BPM Guide Nangmye
For my BPM Guide Nangmye.
Day 60
Candles – Day 60 Power Animal Dolphin
For my BPM Power Animal: Dolphin.
Day 61
Candles – Day 61 Power Animal Dragon
For my BPM Power Animal: Dragon.
Day 62
Candles – Day 62 Power Animal Hawk
For my BPM Power Animal: Hawk.
Day 63
Candles – Day 63 Power Animal Eagle
For my BPM Power Animal: Eagle.
Day 64
Candles – Day 64 Power Animal Owl
For my BPM Power Animal: Owl.
Day 65
Candles – Day 65 Power Animal Wolf
For my BPM Power Animal: Wolf.
Day 66
Candles – Day 66 Power Animal Bear
For my BPM Power Animal: Bear.
Day 67
Candles – Day 67 World Peace
I give thanks for all past work on world peace, and may, under the direction of the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force, the energies, Principles and Entities symbolised by and embedded in these runes, as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG) ensure that:
· the Peace, Hope, Love and Prosperity spell, and all similar spiritual/psychic work for peace, be made FULLY manifest;
· may the principles and methods of the “Cure Violence” project be fully accepted and implemented;
· all people
o put the worldwide community of humanity first, and start to manifest that through greater unity, including Balanced Positive Light Force (BPM) effectiveness of the European Union, African Union, United Nations and the like,
o NEVER place expediency ahead of decency and/or human rights,
o the work of specific individuals for BPM peace be enhanced, facilitated and successful,
who actively or passively oppose or hinder BPM peace be BPM nullified
- those responsible for acts of hatred,
bigotry or prejudice be brought to Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force
- all alienation of people or minorities
be reversed, including peaceful realignment of nonsensical boundaries imposed
by others;
o whoever has material power have the wherewithal to comport themselves with dignity, and to ensure that all act with dignity, restraint, and thought for the future of their land and ALL the peoples who live there including women, LGBTIQ people, Pagans, New World Servants and all asylum seekers / refugees, and actively seek to BPM defuse tensions to avoid unnecessary wars, violence and conflict;
· may over-population be BPM managed, prevented and reversed (e.g., by increased education and GDP) and over-consumption also BPM managed, prevented and reversed, with reduction in the number of ultra-rich and their influence;
· may access to resources such as water and minerals always be equitable and in line with BPM justice, and negotiations over same conducted with dignity, respect, selflessness and transparency.
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.
Day 68
Candles – Day 68 World Healing
For healing of the world on all levels, in all ways, on all scales (large and small and everything in between).
Day 69
Candles – Day 69 Water for the World – End World Thirst
For the end of World Thirst by constructive measures such as better treatment of water and wastewater (aka “sewage”), appropriate use of water, less waste and more sustainability.
Day 70
Candles – Day 70 Food for the World – End World Hunger
For food and other constructive measures (e.g., less waste, distribution better matching need, better nutrition, more sustainability) to enable the world to end world hunger.
Day 71
Candles – Day 71 – Group Mind of My Neighbourhood
For the group minds of my past, present and future neighbourhoods I live in: may they always be only BPM.
Day 72
Candles – Day 72 Group Mind of Melbourne
For the group mind of Melbourne: may it always be only BPM.
Day 73
Candles – Day 73 Group Mind of Australia
For the group minds of Australia: may they always be only BPM.
Day 74
Candles – Day 74 Group Mind – Australian Parliaments
For the group minds of Australian Parliaments: may they always be only BPM.
And may governments have and proudly commit to a positive, inclusive vision for the future, and start taking an active role in maintaining and saving for future infrastructure, and ignore the short-sighted, philosophically motivated financial ratings agencies who think loans to pay for the infrastructure that is essential for civil society are ‘bad’ debt. May governments not be authoritarian or afraid of progressiveness – and, in particular, may the Queensland Government not be so overblown on so-called public order/justice fears.
Furthermore, may voters have the vision to vote for politicians with constructive, realistic, inclusive vision to see this happen. May those who are simplistic/jingoistic, superficial, small minded, fearful, naïve, reactionary, immature, materialistic or otherwise nonBPM have their consciousness BPM raised until they have a broader, more spiritual perspective and outlook on life, governance and society.
May no unelected government advisor have undue, inappropriate, excessive or nonBPM influence, and always be BPM mindful of their proper place in the scheme of things in the context of Parliamentary democracy.
Finally, may Australia stop being the steroid-soaked neighbourhood bully of the Pacific, may state governments stop biasing religious education towards neo-christianity and economic and workplace decisions towards business, may governments stop attacking social capital such as Medicare with specious excuses of non-affordability (taxation is a legitimate source of funding!), start taking genuine responsibility for stopping violence in our societies and stop doing such appalling acts that the UN may have to become involved.
Day 75
Candles – Day 75 Group Mind of Humanity
For the group mind of humanity: may it always be only BPM.
Day 76
Candles – Day 76 For my BPM Guide Ishmael and my BPM Helpers
For my BPM Guide Ishmael and my BPM Helpers.
Day 77
Candles – Day 77 Geriwerd / Grampians
For Geriwerd, also known as the Grampians.
Day 78
Candles – Day 78 The Gippsland Lakes
For the Gippsland Lakes.
Day 79
Candles – Day 79 Langwarrin and Gresswell
For Langwarrin and Gresswell Flora and Flora Reserves.
Day 80
Candles – Day 80 Mt Kailash, Tibet
For Mt. Kailash.
Day 81
Candles – Day 81 - For my BPM Guides and Helpers Ishmael, Argyle, ES, and EL, and my Power Animals Pegasus and Lynx, and my crystals and all the places they came from
For my BPM Guides and Helpers Ishmael, Argyle, ES, and EL, and my Power Animals Pegasus and Lynx, and my crystals and all the places they came from.
Day 82
Candles – Day 82 - For my Patron Deity A’set
I give thanks for all past assistance and opportunities to be of service, and respectfully ask that A’set continue to bless my life, my path and those I share both with. May I be a better BPM agent for Life and (personal) Sovereignty under this Lady's influence, and may my life be lived in a way that it is of sufficient quality to be an offering to the Lady A’set. May I serve the Lady of Ten Thousand Names in whatever other ways are acceptable. Suten Baraka.
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Finally, remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, and to mind our Mӕgan.